There must be Elves
Well, I've decided that elves in Second Life are even more diverse than humans. I did a little Elf research, and thought I knew something, but as is so often the case, further investigation proved I knew nothing. At least part of this is because there have been so many different interpretations of elf-ness in various and sundry virtual realities, of which SL is only one.
There are some things I can say for sure: Elves live in an imaginary world along with fairies, witches, dragons and pixies. They often live in the deep green woods. They love to dance and make music. They often but not always wear long, pointed ears. They have created fantastic kingdoms in which to role-play. Their lands are peaceful retreats from the rest of the metaverse, and, according to tel'Mithrim, all elves follow the Way - "No Elf shall do intentional harm to another Elf, and except in a case where an Elf acts with malicious intent, he shall be helped by other Elves." This pact protects all those of Elven blood. Any Elf found to be in violation of the Way through action or inaction shall be cast out (N'Tel Quess). But there are also Dark Elves, selfish and pleasure loving, who would have no qualms about enslaving other species, such as humans (*shivers*).
Speaking of their lands, I've been variously told they encompass as many as 35 or 70 sims, with a population of 1200-1400 elves. The most organized group of Elven sims I have come upon are those owned by the Lady Forcythia Wishbringer, regarded by many as their Queen, and, at the very least, Queen of Elf Circle continent. These sims include ElvenGlen, ElvenMoor, ElvenVale, ElvenStone, Elf Haven, Shea Nectaris, Shea Cognoium, Shea Ingenii, and Shea Imbrium. There is also a group of partner sims, owned by others, but bound by the Elf Circle Charter: Ceilich, Elf Harbor, Farhaven, Mystica, The Fairy Crossing, The Glimmering, ElvenValley, Falathrim, and The Green. It was at ElvenGlen that I gathered much of my information. (The Elf Circle Charter is available to all who wish a copy. It describes the customs and organization of Elf Circle.)
TIGGS Beaumont (who is technically not an Elf, but a dragon - "Two dark rkf - drow - are my mentors" ) provided some lovely insight, off-the-cuff, while dancing. "[I have given] you Elf Circle Charter 2.0. This should explain a bit. But it has much more meaning I think to you, than you may realize. You will be traveling all of Elf Circle lands I trust? [They are] varied, and wonderfully aesthetic, creativity abounds, but... The most important for me, is the honour, integrity, spirit, and friendship found here. Often, when a group grows as this one has, it loses its sense of family. Elf Circle does not. We are a family of many beings. All accepted for whom we are. No fights between drows and elves, orcs and fairies. Oh petty differences, as in all large groups, but... loyalty to the charter's ways, "friendship” for all. We are Elvenae. And here, in Circle lands, is the Heart of Elvenae. Yes, a world we "play" in, but one which we bring ourselves to. The one thing people do not realize at first, is we also bring these Elvenae ways back out to RL. It is inevitable." At this point, TIGGS drifted off into a conversation with friends, whom I believe were merfolk... TIGGS pointed out that human avatars were free to role-play at will, respecting the customs of the lands they found themselves in.
Elves seem to abjure politics. However, they have rulers, and they are sometimes combative and into weaponry. These are the seeming ongoing contradictions in Elvendom. They seem averse to discussing politics, which seems strange given what one might hear about Elf society. Astrid Zhangsun tells me it's a rule in Elflands, just to keep the peace. (Wow.)
Astrid could, I'm pretty sure, be correctly described as a Dark Elf (**double shivers**), and has a Bast as a Profile portrait. Asked about her Bast, she explained it was the only adult dragon she has, and that she had just got her. The first time I met Astrid, she was wearing a lovely dress. The second time I met her she was a (very) sexy warrior carrying a battle mace who had just come from a tournament (where she had used a battle mace for the first time), frustrated cuz she kept hitting the wrong key (LOL). Apparently she was stuck going shopping with her BF, even tho she herself had thought they might pursue some more romantic endeavors.
Elves love music and dance. Padiel Montgomery is a composer and musician who graciously invited me to his tree dwelling, a natural abode of the type favored by elves. He treated me to renditions of several of his pieces, including "Mixing the Magic, and "Rain on My Wings." Padiel is a spell-casting Elf with a magic staff (very impressive), and some typical Elven pets including two owls, a pixie familiar, and a dragon. He was the first to report that he observed any Elven holidays (Solstice, but it's cuz he is an Elven Druid), and that he had favorite Elven foods (bread and honey). His favorite ritual is the dance in the Elven drum circle where Elves share fellowship and their love for one another. Padiel's music is available both in SL and in RL: for SL play, and for internet play.
Padiel was also first to comment upon the species he perceived as dwelling in various places: Forests (esp. hollow trees)? "That is for Wood Nymphs." Caves? "Ack.. Trolls and Dragons." (poor TIGGS) Underground? "Dwarves, hehe." Wells and springs? "Bugs.. really cute ones :)"
And, in addition to being a musician and composer, is a builder. He built his lovely home, including its fountains and effects, and also does things like garden sets and animations. He makes romantic fountains, Elvish garden sets, and intimate glass showers. Unfortunately, Elven lands are PG, so, even though all Elves are fond of animations, his tree dwelling, with its romantic animations, must be located elsewhere :P
Nilmë (a.k.a., Gert Grigges) is a longtime friend whom I only vaguely knew had an Elven side. He was not at all hesitant to tell me about himself. "I am a Maia, posing as an Elf. From Wikipedia: 'The Maiar (singular: Maia) are beings from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy legendarium (Book: The Silmarillion). The Maiar are lesser Valar and the helpers of the (greater) Valar. Being of divine form and possessing great power, the Maiar could wander the world unseen or shape themselves in fashion of Elves and other creatures; when wearing a mortal guise their bodies could be killed, but their spirit would live on.' I've taken/been given the name 'Nilmë,' meaning 'Friendship' in the Quenya language. I'm also known as 'The Lord of Lag.' (Yea, and also as The "Hugmeister General." :P)
Nilmë is a member of the "Builders of Valimar" group. The Builders currently live in the sims Valimar, Valarinde and Lorien. (Valimar/Valmar is a city of the Valar.) He doesn't bear arms, and currently does not practice magic or cast spells, but he could: The Maiar are powerful enough (see e.g. the story of the Maia Olórin, a.k.a. Gandalf who took the guise of a Wizard).
Nilmë has never tried to number the variety of Elves in SL, but was willing to comment upon other species often associated with Elves. "Drows: No clue (don't occur in Middle Earth). Orcs: Warring servants of the Dark Lords; It is said that they were in origin corrupted Elves captured by Melkor. Before the beginning of the First Age. In appearance, Orcs were squat, swarthy creatures. Most of them preferred the darkness, being blinded by the light of the Sun, but the kinds bred later in the Third Age, such as the Uruk-hai, could endure the daylight. Faeries/Faerie: The lands of the Elves in Aman, more commonly known by their Elvish name Eldamar, a word variously translated as 'Elvenhome', 'Elvenland,' or 'Elvenesse.'"
As for where Elves live? Forests (esp. hollow trees)? Caves? Underground? Wells and springs? Nilmë says, "None and all of the above: Most Elves lived in Aman (Continent originally lying in the far West of Arda, now removed from the World) and Middle-earth." Hmm...
As for what Nilmë thinks of humans: "The youngest of the races of Arda, men are unique in possessing the Gift of Men, death, by which they leave the world after an allotted time and go beyond it. What is to think of them? Some of my best friends are Men..." ;)
The Elven Way
From the Web page of tel'Mithrim, or the Grey Company ( in the Common tongue, which LOL prolly has nothing to do with SL:
Sheelala - A day of games and practical jokes celebrated in early spring.
Ehtele'mele - Vernal equinox. A week of romance and song.
Faradome - Summer Solstice. A celebration of the battle between Corellon and Gruumsh One-Eye. A night of orc hunting.
Yavieba - Autumnal equinox. A week of reflection and a time to remember those who have left this world. Most important decisions and judgments are made during this week.
Favorite Elven Wines
Saerloonian Topaz-yellow amber wine w/ nutty quality and bold fruit overtones.
Mead-sweet wine of fermented honey.
Elverquisst- a ruby-colored liquor magically distilled from sunshine and rare summer fruits. Utterly smooth, the liquor is nonetheless flecked with gold and has an iridescence of both COLOR and flavor. It is highly prized at all times, but in the autumn rituals it is savored as if it is the gift of one final, perfect summer day.
Evermead-THE elven mead, imported from evermeet. The one to which all others are compared and found wanting.
Clarry-Table wine blend sweetened w/ honey and spices.
Arabellan Dry-fine red wine, very dry woodsy overtones and a slight berry taste.
Berdruskan Dark-heavy sweet and burning, almost black, HIGH alcohol content.
Morimatra-a spiced wine favored by the Drow.
Other Items Of Interest
Shalaquin-long necked elven instrument, plucked or strummed string tension is controlled by a ratcheting wheel.